Kurt Medenbach
MILKING: explorations and glandular expressions

Milking is — extracting as much as you can.

SEE “They milked it.” — squeezed out every last drop. The economics of sucking it dry. ECO death and pleasure — the small death.

La petite mort

IT IS across bodies, species AND organisms — it is milking the bull. The breast. Almonds and Oats. IT IS the milk that you suck from the middle of the fish’s eye. The circle jerk and the soybean press.

IT IS industrialised — the ROBOTIC MILKING SHED. The taking of the cows first born calf — THE SMALL DEATH. La petite mort. The breast pump. Dried bottles of powdered colostrum healing IBS. AND The stroker.

IT IS Eggs milked from the belly of a trout. Cavities clamped to OVIPOSITORS — milked from alien cocks. AND psychedelic junkies milking every last drop of Mugwamp jism in interzone.

IT IS Pus, love and bile — Wet dreams of popped pimples. Those expressive process’ of glandular bodies. THEN Emptied udders and ball sacks. Fingers at full depth — the thinning of seminal fluids on hot nights.

La petite mort

IT IS physical action — Sweat dripping from the athletes back. Dripping — Dripping from the roof of the dance floor, THEN squeezing in that last drink, that last line. BC The night was thuroughly milked. THEN — still unable to sleep. THE milking of memories.


IT IS...

Gristle Pump
bilge pump, hose, pine, industrial fttings, titanium oxide, pearlescent, guar gum, epoxy.
Kidney Stone
digital print, acrylic, resin, epoxy.
acrylic, epoxy clay, soy wax, oil clay.


MILKING: explorations and glandular expressions

Milking is — extracting as much as you can.

SEE “They milked it.” — squeezed out every last drop. The economics of sucking it dry. ECO death and pleasure — the small death.

La petite mort

IT IS across bodies, species AND organisms — it is milking the bull. The breast. Almonds and Oats. IT IS the milk that you suck from the middle of the fish’s eye. The circle jerk and the soybean press.

IT IS industrialised — the ROBOTIC MILKING SHED. The taking of the cows first born calf — THE SMALL DEATH. La petite mort. The breast pump. Dried bottles of powdered colostrum healing IBS. AND The stroker.

IT IS Eggs milked from the belly of a trout. Cavities clamped to OVIPOSITORS — milked from alien cocks. AND psychedelic junkies milking every last drop of Mugwamp jism in interzone.

IT IS Pus, love and bile — Wet dreams of popped pimples. Those expressive process’ of glandular bodies. THEN Emptied udders and ball sacks. Fingers at full depth — the thinning of seminal fluids on hot nights.

La petite mort

IT IS physical action — Sweat dripping from the athletes back. Dripping — Dripping from the roof of the dance floor, THEN squeezing in that last drink, that last line. BC The night was thuroughly milked. THEN — still unable to sleep. THE milking of memories.


IT IS...

GRISTLE PUMP. bilge pump, hose, pine, industrial fttings, titanium oxide, pearlescent, guar gum, epoxy.
KIDNEY STONE. digital print, acrylic, resin, epoxy.
GARGOYLE. acrylic, epoxy clay, soy wax, oil clay.


Of Shit and MUD: un-making across the Cthulucene

Your truths have little but the bitterness which has sown them, their edge honed on generations who learned to accept things only if accompanied by kicks, cuffs and mortification. But all arguments cut both ways and set up their own repression. What is knowledge worth when it is founded on the tacit postulate that oneself is one’s own worst enemy?

Raoul Vaneigem,
The Book of Pleasures

Where do memes go to die?

Digital, temporal, sculptural, performative // a shitstorm — multidisciplinary // through techno-augmentation the artist explores the dissipation of physical space into digital architecture // contemporary kitsch combined with the aesthetics of teenage consumerism highlight the human within the spectacle

like any playground stunt: this is an aesthetics of validity // anti-validity // MUDDY-THINKING // in jokes — the North Sea: stupidity // OUT: a fascination with disassociation // an over reliance on play

within—the utopic draws a path to the dystopic // where decaying myths are digitised // AND ideas are conceptualised until meaningless: we have come to see that thoughts are cheap // morphing fragmentations // AND expressions with short attention spans — the artist tends to digress // understand — stubborn art is beautiful in its willingness to fail.

PROMETHEA. c-type digital print, puffy stickers, leather, steel, horse manure.
PURIFICATIONS. 3D animation, Empedecle's fragments, emoji translator, straw, twine, steel.
EPIMETHEUS. c-type digital print, puffy stickers, leather, steel, horse manure.
HORSEPLAY. exegesis, digital feces, memes.
DINOSAURS. 3D animation, faceswap AI, straw, twine, steel.
CHIMERA. c-type digital print, puffy stickers, steel, straw, found numberplate.


Terraform & Utopia: towards a new socialism on Mars

After nature had drawn a few breaths, the star cooled and congealed, and the clever beasts had to die.

Friedrich Nietzsche,
On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense

A collection of artefacts from a future colonisation of Mars. Gathered from a Mars thirty million years into the future: a future in which a polluted Earth has necessitated relocation to the hostile Planet. A planet where new myths are constructed from the remnants of our consumerist society. The installation questions a Futurist dream of a world saved by capitalism and places the utopian vision at the heart of the current world crisis. It blends elements of science fiction with the aesthetics of advertising and the utopian vision of French philosopher Charles Fourier. Fractured representations of the past are used to explore a contemporary world on the brink of collapse. Terraform & Utopia asks what a future colonised by capitalism and oversaturated with an aesthetics of the free market might look like.

MECHANICAL LUNG where the site of habitation is neutralised through the spreading of lemonade. Capitalism as saviour. Sugar and citrine - Aigrisel.
Fluid simulation, 3d Animation, Oxide, Plywood, Electronics, Raspberry Pi, fluorescent strapping, CRT television.
BORISKA KIPRIYANOVICH where the Martian breath is harnessed in service of the terraformers. Working towards tepid goals - Proletarianisation - Res Nul.
silenced air compressor, digital print, vinyl lettering.
INDIGO CHILD where Boriska, Martian reincarnate, is interviewed by the Camelot project. Warnings of the flood, Boreal fluid and the destruction of moderation. Musk as lifesaver.
Rapberry Pi, LCD, digital video on USB, 1.05.43 hours.
TERRAFORM & UTOPIA where dreams of the utopic are born. Sweat, Aigrisel energy and the mars bar embrace. Theobromine.
digital print on Alu-Dibond.
NEW PHALANX where Fourier’s vision is appropriated by the new technocrats. Pleasure, excess and inequality. The movement of the free spirit.
digital print on Alu-Dibond.
AIGRISEL where sprite fizz-ejaculate predicts future trajectory. Science as quasi-spiritual. Divination through capitalism. Haruspex.
digital print on Alu-Dibond.
TECH DADDY where the new ascetics toil on the surface of mars. Saint Anthony - Hieronymus Bosch. Death, Suffering, Salvation. Bondage and recapitulation.
digital print on Alu-Dibond, digital backlit print, neon tube, chain, fluorescent strapping, martian rock.